Wow! Here are the 60 most hazardous and perilous selfies ever captured!


Imagine if your final headline read, “Death by Selfie!” It’s unthinkable to most, but for some risking it all to get that perfect selfie picture seems to be worth it all. Or, maybe they’re simply not thinking it through. Not every selfie ends well. According to the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 259 people actually ended their lives in pursuit of a selfie in a six-year period between 2011 and 2017. Of course, some smiling risk takers make sure safety is in place before they snap the breathtaking picture that hopefully doesn’t literally take their breath away. But, here are 60 risky and dangerous selfies that some have attempted.

Russia Selfie Hotspot

Does glancing at it make you feel queasy? Among all locations globally, one particular place has acknowledged a critical issue relating to daredevil selfie enthusiasts. The situation has escalated to such an extent that Russia initiated a movement to teach individuals how to capture selfies without risking their safety. This initiative, dubbed as a “safe selfie” campaign, warned that your subsequent selfie could be your final one. It’s evident that many people have overlooked this advice. This daring selfie emerged from Yekaterinburg, Russia, a locale that has experienced a rise in youngsters seeking the ultimate thrill to immortalize in a photo. This trending activity has caused numerous injuries and even fatalities.

Daredevil Alexander Remnev

Absent are ropes, harnesses, and any hint of safety equipment. Just a young man risking everything, his very existence, all for a spine-tingling selfie. Alexander Remnev is an adrenaline junkie who pushes boundaries to the limit. Here he is, precariously perched on the Hong Kong skyline. Now in his 20s, he left a strong imprint on social media at the age of 19 with his perilous selfies. Back then, he was an aspiring Russian photographer and an IT student at Moscow State University. While some of his intense photos might not be considered selfies in a strict sense, he does travel with a companion who captures the images with a Go-Pro camera fitted with a telephoto lens.

Taking A Risk On A Train Trestle

Serra do Mar, a mountain range situated in Rio de Janeiro and translating to “Mountain Range of the Sea”, is renowned for its stunning and towering gorge bridge where trains are actively operating. Over the past couple of years, daredevils have braved this train trestle to take precarious selfies. The attraction seems not just to the height of the bridge above the gorge but also the train tracks, despite the tremendous risk involved. Regrettably, almost ten individuals attempting such feats have taken fatal falls from similar bridges since 2014, including a lady who took a fatal plunge from the Puente de Triana bridge in Spain.

Train Selfies

Please ensure your hands and head remain within the confines of the train while it’s in motion! This advice is often disregarded by daredevils, particularly in locations such as Sri Lanka and India. These places have outright prohibited the practice of taking train selfies. If the adrenaline rush of standing on a railway track with an approaching train isn’t sufficient, numerous people have started extending themselves out of a moving train’s window just to capture a selfie. A tragic example of this recklessness is a newly married gentleman in Sri Lanka who lost his life attempting to photograph his wife against the backdrop of a locomotive. The possibility of injuries or fatalities increases significantly when a train is moving at such escalated speeds.

Regular Selfie Risk Taker Angela Nikolau

Courting danger seems to be a regular part of this girl’s day. Angela Nikolau, renowned for her adrenaline-pumping antics, can be seen towering over Tianjin, China in an image shared on her Instagram account which boasts over 400,000 followers. It isn’t too surprising, considering her upbringing by a trapeze artist from a notable Moscow circus. Despite acknowledging the risks, she persistently pursues and publicizes her perilous selfie adventures. When not teetering precariously at dizzying heights or pulling off a dangerous stunt, she supports fashion labels and endorses camera brands. As long as she maintains an engaged audience, she will carry on with sharing her thrilling selfies.

Daredevil Daniel Lau

If you catch yourself shouting, “Come down from there!” know that you’re not alone. Being a proficient photographer isn’t enough for Daniel Lau, he takes his craft to perilous heights. He’s one of the globally recognized daredevil photographers. To Daniel Lau, danger makes the capture more fascinating, be it from his perspective or through his camera lens. This particular capture is located high above a skyscraper in Hong Kong. Notably, he does more than just taking a quick click; he carefully structures the image to maximize the stomach-churning effect. This image might make spectators uneasy, particularly those scared of heights.

In The Arms of Jesus

If you’re planning to put your life on the line for the perfect daring selfie, it would be fantastic to do so in Jesus’s embrace. Lee Thompson, a travel blogger and professional photographer does not always go to such extremes. However, he was dared by the Brazilian Tourism Board and accepted their challenge- to ascend to the top of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue and click a selfie. Not a lot of travel enthusiasts can boast about such an experience, or possess pictures to document their efforts to rise to a challenge.

Bull Running Selfie

The tradition of running with the bulls in Pamplona is not a recent phenomenon; it traces its roots back to 1591. Countless individuals have exposed their lives to danger to participate in this event over the years. In 2019, for instance, three people got injured by bulls, and they weren’t even attempting to take a selfie. One individual decided to not just attend this exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping thrill ride but also flaunt his camera to take a selfie at the height of the chaos. Although he appears to be cautiously situated on the peripherals, avoiding the direct line of peril, he might want to reconsider wearing that red scarf next time.

On Top Of Old Shanghai

Despite cautionary tales about the perils associated with scaling skyscrapers or jeopardizing your life for a photo, some individuals like Daniel Lau and Alexander Remnev have gained notoriety for their audacious selfie endeavors. It’s one thing to chase an adrenaline-fueled selfie thrill solo, but Remnev goes a step further and brings along a few comrades for this daring shot taken at a staggering height in Shanghai. Although the view of the city is spectacular, it appears that at least one of his companions is prioritizing gripping his camera rather than fretting over the potential fatal descent.

Till Death Do Us Part And Hanging On For Life

Is he placing both their lives in jeopardy simply to emphasize the element of danger? Merely involving a girlfriend, or possibly a sister or wife, in such a perilous and challenging attempt is inadequate. This individual is well aware of the hazards and flaunts it to his followers on social media. He uploaded a caption with this image stating, “Do you know how many individuals globally have lost their lives due to selfie incidences?” It appears as though the pair have moved away from a relatively safe spot to perch precariously on the edge of mortality, all in the name of an impressive photo.

A Hot Mess

No, it’s not an image altered with a green screen – she’s actually pointing at blazing lava with a grin on her face. Perhaps they thought it necessary for their insurance claim, but that’s genuinely molten lava from a live volcano in the backdrop. If an eruption coincidentally takes place while you’re present, it might be wise to flee, rather than pausing for a photograph. Photo enthusiasts in the UK have become such a problem that The Royal Geographic Society has been issuing warnings due to an alarming increase in fatal falls. On top of the danger of tumbling, these two seem to be uncomfortably warm as well.

Volcanic Eruption

This man arrived appropriately attired for the fiery volcanic eruption unfolding behind him. If one must pursue peril, it’s crucial to be adequately fortified with full body gear. remember, one’s safety should always be the main priority! George Kourounis is an explorer for National Geographic with a penchant for storm chasing. He is often found at the heart of natural disasters, armed with a camera. This photo was taken near the potentially lethal volcano of Vanuatu Ambrym. This shield volcano with gentle slopes, formed from the remnants of tumultuous eruptions, is known for spewing ash and steam.

Dangerous Selfie

A photographer managed to reach the top of a canyon in the Canyonlands National Park in Utah. This park conserves an impressive 337,598 acres of harsh terrain, including vibrant canyons, mesas, buttes, arches, spires, and fins, all of which can be explored by hikers. What’s the usual thing to do when you reach such an elevated viewpoint? Well, you take a selfie and share it with everyone on social media, that’s what! This particular photographer was all too conscious of the precarious position he was in. He even went ahead and captioned his picture with the words, “I don’t always take selfies, but when I do, they’re dangerous.” So, remember, don’t attempt this at home, kids.

Bitten For A Selfie

The ocean observer might have overstepped his boundaries when he audaciously took up his camera and posed for a picture from what appears to be a boat’s side. Sea animals might seem gentle and fascinating when you observe them in a sea lion display under a trained handler’s supervision. However, they can tip the scales as heavy as 660 pounds. It’s not the wisest choice to ignore such a vast beast. When this individual attempted to take a selfie, he quickly understood the risky situation he was in, and that the sea lion could dominate him given the slightest provocation to attack.

Dangling Feet

Selfie enthusiasts, especially those driven by adrenaline, find pleasure in ascending to incredible heights and angling their cameras towards the ground. However, this activity is undeniably risky. Take, for instance, a person who ascended the well-known Tiger Leaping Gorge trail in China. The picture she took at a seemingly stunning altitude does not fully reveal the hazard she exposed herself to. As she reached for her camera to capture her extreme selfie, it raises the question whether her mind even grazed the idea of potentially dropping her phone. Her feet danced 8,694 feet above unseen ground, marking a path not just risky for walkers but incredibly hazardous for posers stopping for a photo shoot.

Horseshoe Bend Selfie Deaths

Is the splendor worth the peril? Hikers can experience one of the most stunning vistas at Horseshoe Bend, Arizona. Numerous individuals undertake the hike with the aim of capturing the magnificent landscape below. Many others embark on this journey with a single objective, to capture an ideal selfie at the peak. Although the view is undeniably gorgeous, it comes with a cost for those who are not cognizant of the risks involved. Tragically, at least two selfie-related deaths have occurred at this location since 2018.

Don’t Fall

Here’s another adventurous soul taking a selfie at Horseshoe Bend. It appears that a tiny misstep could send her slipping down the rocky cliff. Indeed, Arizona is not just about deserts and high temperatures, but it’s crucial to ensure you survive to show the mesmerizing mirage of its hidden aquatic charm. While Horseshoe Bend serves as an incredibly breathtaking and awe-inspiring backdrop for photos, it is equally vital to avoid a perilous fall while capturing the moment. Hiking to this point alone comes with its fair share of hazards and cautionary indicators. A simple mistake could lead to a disastrous plunge down the cliff, potentially spelling tragedy.

Shark Attacks Are Safer Than Selfies

Despite their seemingly harmless and adorable appearance, it’s intriguing to note that selfies have caused more casualties than shark attacks, according to statistical data. An adventurous diver risking his life in the deep sea seems to be testing his luck seriously. Nevertheless, the caption of the photo he shared on his social media platform provides some context behind this daring act. He detailed, “With a decade-long diving experience and thousands of dives worldwide, I’ve gained ample expertise.” “Prior to diving in shark-infested waters, a specific training is imperative,” he emphasized. This timely advice is beneficial since these seemingly innocent sharks possess a potential danger far greater than one might anticipate from their cute exterior.

Falling For A Rapid Selfie

She captured a snapshot of herself at Rolley Falls in British Columbia. Even though she seems to be steadied against a rock, how did she manage to reach that spot? Also, how will she safely cross back to the other side? Traditional daredevils who risked their lives by heading over Niagara Falls in a barrel, at least, weren’t doing it for a selfie. When her boyfriend shared the photo with numerous cautionary hash tags, was he secretly boasting or genuinely advising others? His hash tags included: #not a home experiment, #best left to selfie experts, and #hazardous female.

Skywalking Roofing Selfies

This is about a growing trend referred to as “skywalking” or “roofing”. You may have come across it now for the first time, and potentially wish you hadn’t. It often involves young male travelers who dare to climb up to the roofs of towering buildings. Upon reaching the top, they do not simply appreciate the fact that they’ve made it unscathed and admire the stunning vista. Instead, the primary goal for them is to snap a selfie, signifying their courage in facing death and making it to the top unharmed. It is hoped that they descend safely as well. An example of such a selfie was captured atop a skyscraper in New York City.

Rooftop Selfie Falls

Roofies refer to selfies captured from the top of a roof, often from a significantly high place that requires considerable effort to reach. Sometimes, photographers manage to ascend the side of a building, while at other times, they unlock sealed doors to access the roof. Notably, roofies carry a potential risk of fatality. There have been numerous reports about people who lost their lives while attempting to take roofies, including a teenager who tragically plummeted from a mall’s rooftop. Despite these chilling accounts of lethal accidents, the pursuit of a dramatic roofie does not seem deterred.

Taking Selfies To Dangerous Heights

Going to a higher level is usually applauded by those who long to encourage others. However, when it means risking a deadly fall from extreme heights just to get a perfect picture, it might be a good time to think twice. This high-level selfie-taker captioned this picture with the words, “Needed to take my artistic mind to a higher level…” We just hope that he was able to safely come back to earth and get a bit grounded before attempting such a feat again. Hopefully, he won’t have to go to such extreme heights to clear his mind in the future.

Grand Canyon Risks

The Grand Canyon is a spectacular natural marvel to observe, provided it is from a secure distance. Some, however, find the safety railings installed in the visitor areas too restrictive, craving a more thrilling experience that involves standing on the precipice, gazing down the vast expanse of the canyon. It’s tragic that one individual lost his life due to a fall at the Grand Canyon, but this hasn’t discouraged others from flirting with danger for that perfect selfie. In the photograph in question, the selfie enthusiast isn’t quite at the edge’s peak, but it’s still uncomfortably close for many viewers.

Washed Ashore

“Last call for all headed to land! There’s no denying the captivating beauty of the expansive foam generated by intense waves slamming against the coast. However, the formidable waves triggered by storm-like gusts are not to be toyed with. These photographers, hailing from San Diego, managed to capture a stunning shot mere moments before they were inundated with the splashing waves. The ocean is a powerhouse, and its behavior is anything but predictable. Even seasoned marine scientists exercise extra caution when interacting with the vast waters, even when the waves are less aggressive than these. Luckily, our adventurous duo wasn’t swept out to sea by the formidable surf.”

On The Edge

The awe-inspiring vistas of Mistras, Greece take one’s breath away. The scene below from the peak of Villehardouin’s Castle is just awe-inspiring. However, not everyone perches precariously on a mountain brim for striking pictures, defying the laws of gravity. Safely stationed behind the stone wall for that perfect shot is rather preferred. The girl in the frame looks as if a strong breeze could sweep her off with her arms spread out as if ready to fly. We can only hope that such an unexpected turn of events doesn’t catch her off guard. Otherwise, the subsequential images captured would take a rather somber hue.

Hanging On For A Selfie

No, this isn’t a product of photo editing. Even if it were, it would still leave many of us breathless. Beware! One false step, and this young lady could find herself plummeting against a cliff’s edge. Which of her friends decided capturing this moment on camera was a better choice than hunting for a rope to ensure her safety? What is she even clinging to? Luckily, she seems to have a firm grip on the rock and hopefully her foothold doesn’t encounter any unforeseen ice. When this photograph landed on Instagram, it was captioned in such a way that suggests, “The lengths some people would go to for a selfie!”

Don’t Mess With Wildlife

The look in his eyes clearly indicates his awareness of the lurking danger behind him. So why isn’t he fleeing? Instead, he’s trying to capture the perfect selfie. His trip to the Florida Everglades transformed him from a simple selfie enthusiast to a daring photographer. Indeed, it’s unusual for an alligator to attack in such circumstances. Nevertheless, why take the risk? Since 1973, over twenty-four fatal alligator attacks have been chronicled. On a slightly humorous note, let’s wish his phone is housed in a waterproof casing, to avoid a double tragedy of losing both his life and his phone on the same day.

Gator Selfies

Well, as we’ve noted, deadly alligator attacks aren’t typically a common occurrence. Though, one wonders if she’s aware that alligators have the ability to sprint at a speed of 20 mph? Based on her expression, she doesn’t appear to be overly worried. Nevertheless, she does have an attractive smile for the photograph. The location of the snapshot is uncertain, but various southeast American locations would be plausible given they often prohibit causing harm to alligators. We can only hope that she won’t find any need to protect herself in the foreseeable future. Yet, since we are looking at her selfie, we can speculate that she made it out safely.

Barely Alive

Do you believe she realizes bears can sprint up to 25mph, a speed humans are rarely capable of reaching? These aren’t the harmless stuffed toys we’re used to, this is an actual bear. From the shot provided, it’s difficult to confirm, but the bear appears closer than she might think, yet she doesn’t seem to be preparing for a hasty retreat. Instead, it looks like she’s more pleasantly taken aback by her well-maintained hair and camera-ready appearance, featuring gleaming eyes and a vibrant smile. If an attack were to happen, at least, she’d be photogenic. Fortunately, it doesn’t look like it came to that.

Full of Pride

The pair seem to be brimming with confidence. Granted, it’s not their confidence, but a lion pride they’ve managed to get a snapshot with. Luckily, the lions are too engrossed in their meal to take notice of the individuals risking their lives for a selfie. This is certainly a perilous and high-risk activity. At any second, these lions might decide they’ve had enough of the distraction, and switch their focus to assaulting the humans, along with their camera. Although it’s uncertain, one might guess that the duo survived this encounter, given the fact that we have this photograph as evidence.

Jellyfish Ready To Sting

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of being stung by a jellyfish, you’re well aware of how excruciating it can be. This selfie enthusiast seems to disregard potential hazards. It should have been clear from the lake he plunged into, captured in the photo from Jellyfish Lake in Palau, Oceania. Surprisingly, it is deemed safe for holidaymakers to snorkel here, so perhaps his actions weren’t as reckless as they seem. Meanwhile, scuba diving is forbidden for visitors, but this isn’t due to the presence of jellyfish. Instead, it’s the high amount of hydrogen sulfide in the water that places a ban on snorkeling.

Outer Space Selfie

The initial documented space self-portrait was captured on Gemini 10 by Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin during Gemini 12. Don’t you think it should be dubbed a “spacie” if it’s snapped in outer space? This is what some humorously suggested it be named after the image was captured. Regardless, Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide went to extraordinary lengths to take this shot in September 2012. A single mistake could have resulted in him being eternally lost in space. Instead, we got to marvel at an incredible image. A unique camera was necessary for this photograph. He managed to get this awe-inspiring ‘spacie’ while on a visit to the International Space Station.

Watch Your Pets

Say goodbye to the duck faces selfie trend. Here’s something more fun and mischievous – a cat selfie. Except for the wildlife jests, this cat appears to be partaking in the risky selfie fad. Just examine the facial expression of this feline. He seems to be relishing the disruption he’s causing among the dogs in the background. It raises numerous queries. What are they thinking, and what transpires when their human isn’t around? How did a cat pull off an image capture with a paw? What happened to the safety feature of fingerprint authentication? What’s about to occur? Or perhaps, this cat is pleading for help and gathering proof through photos?

Cliffside Danger

Situated merely 60 miles to the west of Denver, Mount Evans is renowned as a must-visit spot in the vicinity. Yet, the main attraction often recommended is the picturesque byway, best experienced by car. This route features a dramatic 9,000-foot elevation change as it starts from Denver’s high plains and journeys through five distinct climate regions until it reaches the peak at 14,264 feet. However, a hiking trail is also available for the adventurous. Known to be quite perilous, ascending Mount Evans in the Rocky Mountains nonetheless comes with breathtaking views once the summit is conquered. An irresistible temptation for most hikers, like him, is to capture a self-portrait to commemorate the achievement. He humorously remarked in his photo caption about potentially causing his mother a momentary panic with his daring feat – a sentiment many mothers would likely share.

Volcanic Sacrifice

Perhaps she ought to have listened to her instinctive reservations about this photograph. If your significant other convinces you to take a risky selfie on a volcano, then tags it as “having fun” while labeling you as “brave,” it might be the right moment to reconsider the trust in the relationship. This couple took a risky position on the brink of Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh to showcase their escapade to friends who couldn’t join them. The photo doesn’t fully capture the altitude, but they’re perched on an ancient volcano that towers over 800 feet high.

Steep Staircase Selfie

In 2015, a visitor met his untimely death at the Taj Mahal when he stumbled and tumbled down a staircase while trying to take a photo. This incident makes the feat of this individual, who took a selfie at the rock staircase in Oran, Algeria, all the more breathtaking. With his camera in one hand, he precariously positions himself at the edge of the staircase, in attempt to capture a perfect shot. In a daring addition, he brandishes a peace sign with his other hand, though fortunately, this does not cause him to lose his balance. The result is an unforgettable selfie that leaves one wondering, how did he manage to descend safely?

Ski Lift Selfie

Few people skiing down a snowy mountain think to bring a camera and selfie stick, let alone have the skill to use them. This skier, impressively, managed to hold onto the selfie stick and ski pole whilst making a ‘peace’ sign mid-ski jump. Often, we don’t get to see the results when people take action shots during sports. Take this French skier, for example, who snapped an incredible mid-air shot. The photo suggests a seamless glide through the snowy mountain air on skis. Yet, we never find out if he landed safely or required the assistance of the ski patrol or avalanche team.

Keep Your Hands And Head Inside The Moving Vehicle

You might want to consider always keeping your head and hands inside your car, especially when you’re the one behind the wheel! This daredevil, thrilled with his feat of taking a selfie while driving, didn’t consider the potential hazards. He shared his risky endeavour on social media, jokingly captioning the photo “clowning around”. However, the National Safety Council’s data paints a more serious picture of such behavior. They note that 1.6 million accidents occur annually due to drivers using their phones. It’s worth noting that taking a selfie with your head out the window as you drive goes far beyond merely checking a text message momentarily.

No Monkeying Around

Keep a close eye on your camera, because this fella behind you is about to monkey around. A lot of mishaps can occur when you’re dealing with wild animals. They are called wild for a reason, even if they appear to be cute and cuddly or harmless. This Instagrammer claims she was attacked by her monkey co-star just seconds after the selfie was snapped. It turns out that it wasn’t the camera he was after, though. He wanted her beads. Still, just because a wild animal is intriguing or curious doesn’t mean they’re ready for a photo session behind your back.

Camel Breath

Even somewhat domesticated creatures can throw you off during a photoshoot. It seems like this guy has been here before, standing next to a camel. However, the camel has an opinion regarding its photo being taken. Observe the extensive opening of the animal’s mouth. The man’s head appears to fit in there effortlessly. Even tamed or trained animals can become hostile and lead you on a tumultuous rollercoaster. It’s prudent to maintain a safe distance and not provoke animals, particularly those that are bigger than you and possess a mouth ample enough to gulp down your head.

A Near Miss

Indeed, it was an ordinary day at Fenway Park when a journalist attempted to capture a selfie during the batting session. The stadium is famous for its massive wall, often referred to as the “Green Monster.” However, it wasn’t this infamous wall that nearly caused her injury. A rogue ball, struck by one of the participating players, whizzed past her head, barely avoiding contact. Thankfully, her slight off-center position saved her from an unfortunate mishap. Luckily, she lived to recount the brush with danger at Fenway, even finding humor in the incident.

Dirt Bike Selfie

Operating and competing with a dirt bike necessitates specific equipment and protective gear, and that’s just under normal conditions. Now picture the additional hazard of incorporating a selfie stick and camera into your racing gear? This is exactly what one dirt bike enthusiast did. Can you imagine making such a leap while clutching both the bike and the camera? However, if you scrutinize further, you’ll notice another rider clinging tightly to the rear of the bike. It appears to be a young child, although it could be a trick of the lens. It’s uncertain if he’ll be able to land the bike safely, but we’re hopeful that the incident concluded well for the secondary rider.

Domino Effect Skyscraper Style

Let’s pray that this group of individuals taking selfies doesn’t fall over like a set of dominoes, one causing another to topple, resulting in a chain fall. Although intriguing, the idea of capturing a photo of a friend clicking a selfie of another friend, and so forth, becomes perilous when executed high above the ground on a building. These pals are teetering on a skyscraper’s brink to capture the ideal photograph. It’s uncertain who among them is in the safest position. Each one is in an inherently risky situation, even if it’s just one person taking a selfie.

Selfie Of A Selfie Up High

Evidently, the daring Angela Nikolau seems to be snapping a selfie while also capturing a photograph with her mobile device. One could easily disregard the fact that she’s perched on the edge of a towering building’s roof. Despite the significant drop beneath her, she holds her stance as casually as though she’s on a customary park stroll or about to leap off the local pool’s high dive. One wonders, even with her secure footing, how she exudes such confidence in not losing grip of her phone or selfie stick. After all, it would be quite the fall.

Mach 1 Madness

While this picture may have stunned her boyfriend, we might feel better knowing that all of your attention is being paid to flying the aircraft. It’s uncertain whether she’s a passenger or not. Still, if taking a selfie while driving a car at 60 miles an hour is considered risky, what could happen when you reach the speed of sound? Granted, it’s hard to deny the beauty of the image – the reflection of the tail end of the clouds beneath her is awe-inspiring on its own. But given that she needs an oxygen mask just to breathe, surely it suggests that it’s not the most appropriate time to take a picture.

Watch For The Spotted Wildlife

Is the claim of the cheetah being the quickest terrestrial creature still valid, or could this woman’s running prowess challenge it? How would you react if a cheetah suddenly appeared behind you? This audacious woman pulls out her camera and films herself while the curious cheetah examines her closely, smelling her. This creature is not your ordinary domestic pet; it’s a wild beast, no matter how fluffy and adorable it appears. When sprinting at maximum speed, a cheetah covers a distance of 6 to 7 meters or about 21 feet in a single stride, with its feet touching the ground only twice within each stride sequence. If that speed doesn’t intimidate you, their hardened paw pads with semi-non-retractable claws most certainly will.

Tornado Warning

If alarm bells are ringing due to the tornado and you can see a massive dark swirl developing into a tornado in the field, that’s your signal to take shelter. Nevertheless, tornado pursuers have an innate drive to race towards these stormy formations, also known as tornadoes or twisters. It’s accurate to say that when what lies in front of you appears more like a murky barricade, you’re right in its trajectory. But is it worth risking your life just for a daring selfie? He appears quite sure that he won’t get swept away by the violent wind within moments, yet tornadoes have the ability to change course unexpectedly.

Training For Combat

If you’re attending boot camp or undergoing military training, it might be wise not to divert your attention from your task. It’s unlikely that taking a selfie during a parachute jump aligns with standard military training guidelines. One can only hope the individual airborne remembered to deploy their parachute in time and manage not to drop their camera. However, the fact that we can see the snapshot suggests a secure landing. Regardless, it’s generally safer to concentrate entirely on your duties than to attempt to snap the perfect picture.

Before The Jump

Hey mom! I arrived at the battle location safely. Not much going on today. We’re nearly at the maximum height for a secure jump. I am almost set to skydive with my friends. I’ll catch up with you afterwards, mom. We should hope he securely stowed his selfie stick well inside the aircraft before the trio made their leap from the paratrooper door. Even better, we trust he remembered to correctly fold and stuff his parachute prior to packing the camera. If not, the landing could be quite challenging. We certainly wouldn’t want to see any photos post-fall.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Fall

Descend immediately! Can someone explain what is happening? Who considered this a sensible plan? Or, what did his friends do to drive him into arranging such a perilous act? Instead of having a single daredevil selfie enthusiast plummet from the cliff’s edge, let’s assemble everyone together. This would make it easier for the rescuers to tally the casualties at a glance. Also, who was the unlucky one to end up on the remotest peak, forced to wait till everyone else is properly aligned and then must patiently wait for his turn to be safe?

Pilot Selfie

Dear all, it is now acceptable to move around inside the plane, but please refrain from opening the windows. Let’s leave those actions to the pilot. Hold on, what? What a refreshing idea to capture a photo from an airplane’s exterior. Regardless, it’s certainly not advisable. We would be perfectly content with viewing photographs taken from a camera securely mounted on the aircraft rather than having the pilot hold it. Fortunately, this individual who took the selfie edits his images with Photoshop to produce stunning and captivating pictures. He wasn’t genuinely dangling outside the airplane window to capture a selfie.

Both Hands On The Wheel

Refrain from texting and driving! This also applies to capturing photos whilst speeding around a racetrack at alarming, record-breaking velocities. Is the race car driver leading? As if risking your life on a high-speed race track isn’t adequate, let’s hope the driver was parked in the pit when this selfie was taken. Otherwise, it’s an extremely reckless act to not only let go of the steering wheel long enough to snap a photo, but also to divert your gaze from the race track to ensure you’re striking the right pose. After all, you would surely want to look your best for any potential accident.

Tethered Trust

Sweetheart, why don’t we pause here to snap a photo to show our loved ones just how joyful our journey is? Pray that she is secured to something other than him, because rock climbing alone carries its risks, let alone trying to handle a camera at the perfect angle, a risk too perilous to undertake. She appears to be at a minor peak, but how much of a drop is it going to be if he loses his footing? Perhaps it’s the right moment to reassess the trust issues in their relationship.

Skyscraper Snack

Hello, everyone! I’ve got an exhilarating idea for a delightful afternoon. How about we ascend to the summit of the highest structure in the metropolis? When we reach the top, we can capture some moments with our cameras. However, we might feel famished following the rigorous ascent. Hence, we could bring along some bananas and click a photograph of us gripping tightly and munching on the bananas. Sounds enjoyable, doesn’t it? These three individuals seem to think so. But could there be a deeper symbolism to what they are consuming? Are they attempting to convey that they effortlessly navigate between buildings much like monkeys do in a jungle?

Come On In The Water’s Fine

Gosh! You’re not alone in seeing, are you? There appears to be a colossal serpent lurking behind this gentleman. Upon noticing the snake, he plunged into the water to snap a selfie. Strangely enough, despite the chilling circumstances, he seems educated enough about this species to be confident in his safety from becoming a main course for the reptile. The man stated that the snake was afloat, which supposedly is an indication of its sated state. For those possessing an intense aversion to snakes, this snapshot will definitely wipe the grin off the self-portrait taker’s face.

Free Falling Freeze Frame

You’re asking if it’s a digital manipulation? No, it’s not. A single misstep could spell doom for him. Fortunately, he managed to place his camera somewhere else, relieving him of the burden of juggling it while standing precariously above the water. If he were to plummet, it might be akin to an extreme diving experience. However, there seem to be hard ground presenting a danger along his path too. Undoubtedly, everyone is wondering how he got to that high position. And more importantly, how will he descend safely? Or did he manage to do so?

Canyoning Selfie

Canyoning is quickly becoming a beloved sport, but it has also caught the attention of selfie enthusiasts who may lack expertise in the activity. For those who enjoy rock climbing, wall scaling, and exploring high places, it can be enjoyable, provided that they have the appropriate safety equipment. Thankfully, this individual appears to be equipped with a helmet and sturdy climbing footwear. However, he is precariously balancing his rope line in one hand while clutching a selfie stick in the other, clicking a photo of the expansive canyon below him.

Hang Gliding Selfie

Among all the perilous selfies shared, this one seems to have taken safety precautions into consideration. It’s evident that both hands are holding the hang glider tightly, and the camera looks to be safely attached to the pole rather than being hand-held. Moreover, hang gliding is substantially safer now than it was several decades ago. Therefore, those viewing this selfie can experience a sigh of relief knowing that proper safety protocols seem to be followed. Hang gliding, especially hang gliding selfies, should be left to the experts. It’s not an activity recommended for novices.

Evacuate, Don’t Stop For A Selfie

Certainly, should you find yourself face-to-face with an exploding volcano, heed the cautionary words of those in charge and evacuate promptly. In no event should you divert your course to take a perilous selfie amidst the chaotic scramble for safety. During the eruption of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, a string of people were so engrossed in photographing their daring escape that the authorities felt compelled to publicize the hazards of such hazardous picture-taking actions. It would appear that this lady chose to ignore precautionary measures. We can only hope that she managed to avoid needing rescue.
