50 Destinations You Absolutely Must Include in Your 2021 Bucket List


The globe is teeming with stunning destinations which could occupy a lifetime of continual exploration. For those with a passion for journeying, the present restrictions on travel caused by COVID-19 might cause a sense of despondency, filled with thoughts of the many spaces in the world left unseen. However, before allowing these daunting thoughts to consume you, we’re here to uplift you with 50 breathtaking locations that deserve an immediate addition to your travel wishlist.

From taking a dip in a river that appears heavenly to encountering wildlife in its natural habitat, this guide will assist you in identifying the perfect adventures for you. Some of these locations are popular tourist hotspots, while others remain relatively undiscovered. However, one thing’s certain: all of these experiences will have you mapping out your next holiday in no time!

1. Swim in Colombia’s Rainbow Lake – Caño Cristales

Cano Cristale is often referred to by various monikers that aptly capture its stunning allure. Some people know it as ‘The River That Escaped Heaven’, while others consider it ‘The Liquid Rainbow.’ Regardless of the title you choose to call it, its breathtaking beauty is beyond dispute. What sets it apart is its vibrant display of green, blue, yellow, black, and red hues which it showcases from late May to early November. Therefore, we suggest visiting during these months to witness a spectacle that is truly transcendent.

2. Stare at Glowworms in New Zealand- Waitomo Caves

Without any visual context, the name ‘Glowworm Cave’ might not make you immediately want to visit New Zealand just to observe some worms. But, if you happen to come across a photograph of this sight, your view might drastically change. Usual worms might gross you out, yet there is something oddly captivating about these special glowworms that draws in visitors from all around the world. The cave, with its running lake, enables the arrangement of nocturnal boat rides through these Waitomo Caves to witness the luminous glowworms in action. The scene might fool you into thinking it’s a painting when you glance at it.

3. Discover the Sandy Dunes of Wadi Rum

Jordan’s appeal as a tourist hotspot is well-established. However, we would like to put forward one more attraction for your consideration. Set your sights on Wadi Rum, a stunning desert situated across Jordan’s expansive lands, characterized by an otherworldly beauty akin to a cinematic spectacle. The mystery of red desert settings in sci-fi movies is resolved at Wadi Rum. Once you are here, make sure you linger till nightfall. The way the stars shimmer in the dark sky, casting their luminescence over the sand dunes, paints an unparalleled scenic picture that outshines any other vista in Jordan.

4. Trek at The Astounding Parks of Patagonia

If you’re someone who can never get enough of long treks, rejoice, as the Parks of Patagonia route is here for you. This sprawling path covers 1,740 miles, weaving through seventeen national parks of Chile, inclusive of the widely recognized Atacama Desert. While the thought of finishing the entire trail may seem daunting to many, each portion of this trek reveals awe-inspiring natural beauty. The trail meanders through 24 diverse ecosystems, providing opportunities to observe fascinating animal and plant life.

5. Walk the Great Wall of China

As many have come to understand, the Great Wall of China, recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world, is an iconic place that’s worth visiting at least once in your lifetime. The history behind its construction is astounding – it took centuries to finish and bears significant political and cultural weight to the local community. If you plan to visit the Great Wall, it’s advisable to start early so as to avoid the large crowds that accumulate there almost daily. And remember, steer clear of vendors attempting to sell you a ‘piece of the wall’, you don’t want to fall victim to such scams.

6. Go Scuba Diving in the Great Barrier Reef

Famous among globetrotters, the Great Barrier Reef is a vibrant hub of life and hue, serving as a habitat for myriad marine creatures including turtles, sharks, and rays. Notably, it boasts a third of the world’s soft corals, and its enormity enables it to be seen from outer space. As a conservation advocate, there are lots of programs you can support when diving at the reef. Don’t forget to do thorough research on how you can contribute to the environment to make the best out of your expedition.

7. Face Wild Gorillas in Rwanda

The conservation status of wild mountain gorillas has recently been elevated to ‘endangered’ as their population has dwindled to a meager 800 in the whole world. Contrary to popular belief, these creatures aren’t solely secluded to the wilderness but can be visited by the public at the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. Although, caution is advised. It is recommended to take a local guide with you due to the perilous journey towards the gorillas and to ensure necessary safety procedures are adhered to, safeguarding yourself from other wildlife. Encountering these wild mountain gorillas, albeit slightly intimidating, is certainly an experience we are yearning to check off our bucket list!

8. Look at the Northern Lights

The magnificence of the Northern Lights is something we have all heard about because it’s simply too stunning to ignore. One can witness this phenomenon from several countries in the Northern Hemisphere, but it requires careful planning if your main agenda is to catch a glimpse of these celestial lights. Though the amazing spectacle makes any endeavor worthwhile, it involves navigating extremely remote terrain and braving icy temperatures to find the ideal viewing point for the Northern Lights.

9. Boat Through the Pool of Arches in Israel

Should you find pleasure in The Phantom of the Opera, the moment has come to embark on a journey to Israel. Established in the eighth century, this subterranean water storage system remains a favored destination for tourists eager to explore its hidden archways.

10. Stare at the Salt Flats in Bolivia

This is one of the rare corners of the world where what you see is hard to believe. Throughout the dry periods, this salt pan provides an ideal setting for creating stunning photographic illusions. In the rainy season, it naturally morphs into a reflective surface, duplicating the picturesque sky overhead onto the ground. Irrespective of the time of your visit, the panorama here is always breathtaking. The only downside is its accessibility due to its remote location, coupled with the lack of Wi-Fi in the nearby areas. Nonetheless, for some globetrotters, this only adds to the appeal and the sense of adventure.

11. Visit Antarctica

For those who’ve seen Ice Age, this is their dream location. Behold the stunning icy peaks and the crystal clear blue sky—think about how much more impressive they would be up close. However, the seventh continent remains relatively hard to reach due to severe weather and underdevelopment. Although it may take significant savings to afford a voyage, it’s definitely worth it. It’s not necessary for you to be a scientist or an adventurer to visit the most parched continent—all you need is a touch of wanderlust.

12. Find the Alternate Rainbow Mountain in Peru

Surely, everyone dreams of witnessing a mountain adorned with all the colors of the rainbow. Visualize the splendid spectacle of various uniquely colored strata – it would undeniably be a sight to behold. Many are attracted to the famed Machu Picchu, yet its undeniable appeal also results in incessant crowds of tourists. For a less crowded, more tranquil encounter with a rainbow mountain, consider visiting Vinicunca. This location, known as the Mountain of Seven Colors, truly resembles an exquisite slice of rainbow cake.

13. Drink Local Wines in France

Many people have France on their to-do list owing to the impressive cuisine, stunning landscapes, and its overall charm. However, a less known but equally delightful experience in France involves embarking on its numerous wine routes. These journeys allow visitors from all corners of the globe to traverse around the aesthetically pleasing French villages while sampling a variety of local wines. One particularly renowned route is the Alsace, which holds the title as the oldest and most popular. It stretches across 105 miles, presenting an abundance of wine and cheese to satiate even the greatest connoisseurs.

14. Go Camping in the Gobi Desert

Occasionally, it’s essential to reconnect with our origins. The Mongolian gert serves as an ideal location for this, offering a chance to sleep under the celestial sky and engage in profound conversations about life’s wonders. Numerous organized tours in the vicinity enable exploration of the desert, performing daily routines, and gaining knowledge of Mongolian traditions. Additionally, this desert houses the world’s largest fossil reservoir that you can embark on to discover, and offers camel rides as day’s end activity. We believe this perfectly caters to those longing to re-engage with their beginnings. Moreover, if you visit during winter, you might witness the enchanting sight of the desert blanketed in pristine snow.

15. See a Thousand Butterflies Migrating

For those who appreciate the natural world, this is an experience not to be missed. Even if you don’t, witnessing the spectacle of butterfly migration is breathtaking. If you can’t recall the last time you saw a butterfly, perhaps it’s time to jet off to Mexico to watch their annual migration. Each year, countless monarch butterflies take the lengthy journey from Canada all the way to Mexico, where they hibernate for about five to six months. As a consequence of the migration, whole forests are transformed into swarms of orange fluttering creatures as the butterflies fly and breed. The route the butterflies traverse each year is unchanging and passes through a Biosphere Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Viewable by anyone situated in North America at the time, this migration is esteemed as a tremendous annual marvel of nature.

16. Try the Snowman Trek in Bhutan and Discover their History

Suppose you found your local hill trek challenging, let me introduce you to the Snowman Trek. It’s ranked among the world’s toughest treks, primarily due to its location in the isolated corners of the Bhutanese Himalayas. If you dare to venture into this trail, understand that not even Google Maps can assist you navigate. Therefore, it’s critical to have a local guide accompanying you, someone who knows all the tiny villages you’ll be traversing. Also, ensure you’re not pressed for time as this expedition will require approximately 25 to 30 days to complete.

17. Road Trip in South Africa

For individuals who enjoy traveling by road, this route in South Africa ranks highly. Covering a distance of 190 miles, it stretches from the Western Cape of South Africa to the Tsitsikamma Storms River at the other end. Given the wide range of biodiversity that the route exhibits, it’s recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. As you journey through the country, there’s the opportunity for you to experience various national parks, gardens, and extraordinary landmarks.

18. Observe the Wildebeest Migration

Just like the magnificent butterfly migration, there’s another exceptional natural phenomenon you could witness in countries such as Tanzania and Kenya. Every year, the sight of millions of wild animals trekking across the vast expanses of the Serengeti and Masai Mara national parks in their quest for water, is truly awe-inspiring. Observing predators trail these creatures offers an unfiltered glimpse into the circle of life in the wild. For an unrivalled viewing experience, you could also get an aerial perspective of this miraculous spectacle from the vantage point of a hot-air balloon.

19. Relax at Australia’s Bubblegum-Pink Lake

You might already have several reasons for wanting to visit Australia, but here’s another one: a vibrant pink lake. Although there are many similar lakes globally and even within Australia, Lake Bumbunga stands out due to its stunning mirror-like reflection of the sky upon the wavelets it contains. Furthermore, this exciting excursion can be accomplished in a day, as the lake is just a two-hour drive from Adelaide city. Among all our suggested experiences, this appears to be the least complex and most accessible.

20. Discover Religion at Tibet’s Jokhang Temple

Places of such cultural diversity can sometimes allow one to overlook the intricate historical narratives associated with them. Tibetan Buddhism regards this enchanting temple, which shelters Tibet’s cultural legacy, as a sacred space. This temple, which is also one of the city’s most frequented landmarks, enjoys the distinction of being a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As you meander through the temple’s walkway, you are likely to encounter genial monks. The temple’s striking architecture is something every traveler can appreciate.

21. Go Hiking at Moloka’i’s Kalaupapa National Historical Park

For hiking enthusiasts, Hawaii presents a perfect blend of cultural richness and tranquility. Moloka’I remains largely undiscovered by most people, preserving its unspoiled beaches free from excessive tourist accommodation. Intriguingly, it is prohibited to construct any edifice higher than a palm tree in this region. This stipulation promotes a tranquil getaway from the urban rush, allowing easy exploration of the jewel in the crown: the Kalaupapa National Historical Park. Its raw and stunning beauty has been showcased in several renowned movies, such as Jurassic Park.

22. Explore the Bornean Jungle

The must-visit location that straddles both Indonesia and Malaysia is known as one of the world’s most pristine tropical jungles. It provides an opportunity to experience the wilderness in its purest form, showcasing a myriad of biodiversity, including unique animal species indigenous to the area. The World Wildlife Fund strongly endorses engaging with local tour services. This not only helps the local economy, but also generates funds for the government, incentivizing them to preserve this remarkable ecosystem for future generations.

23. Visit the City Build on Rocks (Sri Lanka)

In case you feel all cities bear a striking similarity, consider visiting an ancient city perched on a rock with a height of 660 feet. Constructed back in the fifth century, Sigiriya, despite its tiny size, still stands, conserved for spectators to explore it. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city is always ready to embrace tourists. However, reaching the city may pose a challenge as it necessitates climbing several hundred stairs. Interestingly, the steps leading to the city are adorned with spectacular frescoes and other traditional embellishments.

24. Discover the Galapagos Islands

If you’re a tourist with a keen interest in Charles Darwin’s scientific studies, then the Galapagos Islands, famed for inspiring Darwin’s theory of evolution, should certainly be on your must-visit list. This island ranks among the globe’s most revered jewels, primarily due to its unique array of endemic species such as marine iguanas, giant tortoises, and blue-footed boobies. Although the Ecuadorian government is somewhat cautious about allowing tourist visits, it’s only because of their commitment to preserving the survival of the 90% species observed by Darwin on the island.

25. Take Pictures in Lavender Fields in Australia

As we’ve previously mentioned, many individuals dream of visiting France for numerous reasons. Among these is the stunning lavender fields in Provence, which only blossom during summertime. This area provides a wonderful change of scenery, with its surrounding small farms, quaint cottages, and medieval hamlets. If you desire a more enchanting perspective of the lavender landscape, you can arrange a hot-air balloon ride to marvel at Provence’s natural splendor.

26. Find South Korea’s Mermaids

Real-life mermaids don’t exist, correct? But actually, they do in South Korea. The Haenyeos, female divers residing on Jeju Island, are renowned for diving as deep as 30 feet to hand-catch specialty seafood. These women have dedicated their entire lives to the underwater world, earning them the moniker of authentic, living mermaids. Remarkably enough, most of these women are over the age of 50 and remain in good enough health to continue their diving. The opportunity to join these real-life mermaids in their underwater fishing exploits would undeniably be a memorable experience.

27. Don’t Scare Off Sharks in the Philippines

Are you terrified of sharks? Hopefully, that’s not the case because our next amazing adventure will lead you to intimately encounter sharks beneath transparent blue waters, creating an experience you’re going to desire. However, you must keep in mind: should you come too near, the shark will promptly take off. So, if interacting with a docile whale shark is on your list, you should head to Donsol. Don’t forget to engage a local guide, as their expertise is key in helping you to maintain a safe distance without frightening the sharks away.

28. Find Biodiversity at the Brazilian Amazon

Undeniably, an aspiration shared by many of us is the chance to journey through some facets of the Amazon. Realistically, traversing the complete forest, which stretches across eight nations, is not feasible. Yet, a satisfying adventure can be had by visiting just the Brazilian segment. Frequently referred to as the world’s breath, it is the globe’s most ecologically variant location. A trip along the formidable Amazon river also offers the opportunity to encounter a variety of unique species only found in this rainforest.

29. Appreciate Architecture at Granada’s Alhambra

Alhambra in Granada is an attraction that should be on your must-visit list if you are exploring Spain, a country already famous for its tourism. The stunning architectural beauty of Alhambra, showcasing Arabian aesthetics, makes every wall a highly elaborate piece of art. The courts and gardens there are equally mesmerizing masterpieces to appreciate. You could fully tour this magnificent place in a day. We advise you to immerse yourself completely, perhaps while enjoying Arabic tea, to truly appreciate this cultural gem.

30. Explore Some Part of The Grand Canyon in Arizona

Another location on everyone’s bucket list should be the Grand Canyon, without a doubt one of the planet’s most breathtaking natural marvels. It showcases exceptional places like the Wave and Horseshoe Bend. No matter the specific spot you choose to explore within this iconic terrain, you’re guaranteed to encounter some creative beauty. After all, the canyon is splashed with an array of colors that weave and wind to create this spectacular masterpiece.

31. Go Hiking in Canada’s First National Park

Canada’s Banff National Park appears as though it could belong in an exquisite painting. The stunning panorama of lofty mountains adorned with snow and towering trees in the foreground is immensely captivating. As the inaugural national park in Canada, it boasts numerous attractions including kayaking, skiing, hiking, and even overnight camping. One can only dream of the breathtaking view of the sky against the backdrop of these magnificent mountains and verdant trees.

32. Uncover Pharaoh History Down the Nile River

Should you be a history enthusiast, a multi-day journey along the Nile River would be an experience that would intrigue you. As part of this cruise, you’ll have the opportunity to visit historical landmarks like the Pyramids of Giza and the renowned city of Luxor, known to be the burial site of numerous Pharaohs. Besides its rich historical significance, the spectacular view of the Nile River itself is something you’d relish.

33. Discover One of the Azores Islands

The Azores, a group of volcanic Portuguese islands, remained unexplored until recently. With enhanced accessibility, it’s now possible to visit the Azores and explore its distinct terrains, beaches, and mountains, unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. We suggest that the most effective way to experience the Azores is by selecting a particular island, hiring a vehicle, and traversing every part of the stunning landscapes this location offers.

34. Take a Peak at the Future at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore

The Gardens by the Bay presents an ideal picture of what we might wish the future to be. It houses the distinctive Supertree Grove, composed of enormous artificial tree-like structures designed to collect solar power and rainwater. These innovative “trees” serve as excellent homes for insects, birds, plants, and reptiles that are often threatened in current urban environments. We aspire for future landscapes to adopt similar approaches that encourage natural diversity while utilizing contemporary technology.

35. Discover the Quietest Beach on Earth

Tonga, a lesser-known destination in the heart of the Pacific, has been able to maintain its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters due to its relative obscurity. This might seem unfair, but it has actually been a blessing in disguise, protecting the island from the adverse effects of heavy tourism. If you are fortunate enough to visit during the right season, you’ll witness the incredible sight of humpback whales coming ashore to birth and care for their young. Tonga guarantees an immersive experience with its superbly clear sea waters, thriving coral reefs, and tranquil sandy beaches.

36. Give Up on Showering for Six Days on the Longest Railroad in the World

The Trans-Siberian Railway is truly unique. It links Moscow to Vladivostok in Russia, and the full trip takes approximately six days. While traversing this stunning railway, you will pass through seven different time zones and have the distinct privilege of journeying via the longest train in the world. If your fantasies involve staring out a window, taking in views of expansive oceans and nearly untouched forests, the Trans-Siberian railway is your ideal destination. However, be prepared to forego Wi-Fi and showers for several days.

37. Cross the Lycian Way Before it is Destroyed

The Lycian Way was a historic trading path that linked the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Today, all that remains are some Lycian wreckage, rock graves, and Roman spas. If this sparks your interest as a must-visit adventure, it is advisable to get to the site swiftly before further damage from erosion occurs. The prime attraction of the Lycian Way is Mount Chimaera, which is an enthralling vision on the journey. At this location, flames leap from the stone crevices, creating a spectacle straight from a science fiction book.

38. Scuba Dive in the Great Blue Hole

Although the moniker may not pique your interest, the locale certainly will. The Great Blue Hole holds the record as the biggest sinkhole in the world and stands as the supreme spot for scuba diving globally. While we understand that venturing deep into the aquatic abyss might not be everybody’s preference, we highly endorse you to paddle around the shallow periphery of this hole, if nothing else but to marvel at this remarkable natural phenomenon.

39. Stand Next to the Temple IV

Numerous locations in Guatemala give you the opportunity to delve into the world of ancient Maya, but Tikal National Park stands out as the most remarkable. Hidden within the depths of the forest, this site once served as the center of the notorious Maya Empire. Temple IV, notably the tallest pre-Columbian structure still standing at 270 feet tall, is a noteworthy attraction. Although you might feel minuscule standing next to it, the awe-inspiring experience is worth the journey.

40. Learn Inner Peace at Rabati Castle in Georgia

Should you be an explorer on a quest for spiritual tranquility in various parts of the world, we recommend a tour to Rabati Castle. Constructed in the 9th century, the magnitude of this castle equates to its beauty. Notably well-maintained to the present day, it stands out as one of Georgia’s most frequented landmarks. The castle’s magnetism for those searching for inner serenity comes from its symbol of diversity and acceptance, as it houses a minaret, synagogue, church, and mosque within its walls.

41. Enter the World’s Most Colorful Mosque

The world brims with breathtakingly beautiful mosques, with the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque featuring prominently among them. Its full construction utilizes stained-glass windows, creating a mesmerizing light display inside when the sun rays hit it. The mosque’s structure is seen as an homage to Arabic architecture, utilizing conventional construction and design techniques. Moreover, the Pink Mosque is undeniably acclaimed as one of the most intricately beautiful places of worship.

42. Look at the Dragon Blood Tree in Socotra Island, Yemen

The Socotra Island, secluded and distant from the rest of the globe, has evolved uniquely. It’s home to numerous distinct species, lending the island a one-of-a-kind appearance. Among these is the Dragon Blood Tree, a natural marvel with branch-like stumpy roots that extend skyward. The island, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is open for safe exploration and visitation.

43. Spend Some Time with Elephants at a Sanctuary in Thailand

Thailand is a destination so diverse that you may need several journeys to fully discover everything it offers. If you’re looking for an uncommon experience, we recommend visiting an elephant refuge. These sanctuaries look after rescued elephants that cannot survive in the wild, granting them a safe haven. However, be vigilant, as Thailand also has its share of deceit. Ensure that you don’t become prey to a fraudulent sanctuary, as our investigations reveal that there are numerous such establishments.

44. Wake Up for Sunrise Angkor Wat

If you are interested in exploring religions and their histories, Angkor Wat is an essential destination. At sunrise, its majestically adorned stone figures begin to light up with the first touch of daybreak, an awe-inspiring sight. However, be prepared, because reaching this stunning spectacle involves traversing numerous temple trails over several days.

45. Try Helicopter Skiing in Iceland

If traditional skiing no longer thrills you, consider experiencing helicopter skiing, also known as heli-skiing. This innovative winter sport allows access to remote snowy areas, challenging you to ski off-piste back to the commencement point. The ideal location to indulge in this adrenaline-fueled sport is unquestionably the untouched terrain of Iceland’s Troll Peninsula, which is particularly stunning when blanketed in deep snow.

46. Enjoy Beach Days with Horses at the Bazaruto Archipelago

Essentially, the Bazaruto Archipelago is a typical island untouched by the usual tourist influx or chain resorts. What sets it apart are its preserved reefs, stunning shores, and remarkable white dunes which are truly a feast for the eyes. Given its remoteness, making it relatively inaccessible, the island tends to have fewer crowds and enjoys a certain level of protection. One of the highlights of a visit here is the opportunity to pass a leisurely beach day in the company of the most congenial local horses you’re likely to come across.

47. Explore the Ancient Silk Road Trek in Kyrgyzstan

The Silk Road, an expansive trading route linking Asia, Africa, and Europe, dates back to ancient times. Modern-day visitors frequently overlook Kyrgyzstan, yet the path of the old Silk Road there retains a profound historical importance. While journeying along this timeless route, one can discover age-old landmarks like the Tash Rabat and the Burana Tower.

48. Photograph Wild Animals in India

Perhaps you’re aware that India is known for its unique charm, correct? Yet, the idea to photograph distinct wild tigers, which aren’t found anywhere else on earth, without fear of being attacked may not have crossed your mind. The Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan is a wildlife haven where you can closely observe tigers, cobras, monkeys, and even crocodiles. Although you cannot touch them, it’s likely for the best.

49. Discover the Emerald Waters of Halong Bay in Vietnam

Just think about gazing at these exquisite emerald waters shrouded in mist. Among other such views, this is what individuals get to witness who embark on an overnight cruise across Halong Bay. The cruises cater to as many as 1,500 people at a time, offering varied activities like kayaking, swimming, and hiking to keep one entertained. However, the main attraction that pulls individuals from far corners of the globe to visit the awe-inspiring Halong Bay in Vietnam is its stunning landscape.

50. Discover the Lost City Amidst the Jungles of Colombia

Should you be yearning for a solitary exploration of an unknown city, this is the perfect moment to fulfill that desire. In order to uncover the ‘Lost City’ of Tayrona civilization, a two-day jungle trek is necessary. However, initiating this hiking journey is simplified by opting for a guided tour. The tour is led by representatives from one of the four indigenous tribes (Kogi, Arhuaco, Kankuamo, or Wiwa), who safeguard this hallowed land from outsiders.
