Innovative Pool Noodle Uses: 50 Unique Methods to Utilize a Pool Noodle


How many pool noodles do you have in your house? If the answer is “a lot” then we have some really cool hacks for you to try. Pool noodles are not just for lounging around on at the pool anymore. They can be used in all sorts of creative ways, and here are 50 that you may find fun and useful. Some of these hacks will make you laugh, some may inspire you to start a new hobby, and others might help out with day-to-day tasks. Whatever they are used for, one thing is clear: there’s no limit when it comes to how creative people can get with a simple piece of foam.

Utilize Pool Noodles to Maintain the Shape of Your Shoes

Taking care of your knee-high shoes can be challenging, particularly when they’re not on your feet. The shoes often tend to collapse, which could harm the leather or other materials they’re made from. A useful method for keeping these knee-high shoes standing straight is by inserting pool noodles into them when they’re not in use. This ensures they sustain their upright position, preventing potential damage to their material.

This is incredibly beneficial for individuals who own dogs.

Pool noodles can be used as an alternative to dog cones however they can be made to look much more stylish and more functional than dog cones. You can also use a pool noodle as a dog collar. It’s water-resistant, durable and can be molded to just the right size to fit around your pup. Plus it is super cheap so you don’t have to worry about having another item in your house that will eventually need replacing. They are soft and comfortable and will make your dog fall in love with you.

Cover the Trampoline Springs

Jumping on the trampoline is a fun activity however if your landing isn’t good and precise then you can hurt yourself. Many people get hurt when they fall back on the springs of the trampoline. Not only is this dangerous for the person who fell but also for other people on the trampoline. So it is best to cover these springs and what better way to cover them but with pool noodles.

Protector for Liftgate

Ever accidentally hit the liftgate with your car while parking in the garage, or bumped your head against it while retrieving items from your vehicle? This isn’t uncommon and a simple yet effective solution is to attach a well-trimmed pool noodle to the bottom of your liftgate. The pool noodle acts as a cushion and can minimize the impact, preventing any potential harm to yourself or damage to your car.

Perfect Fixture for Holding Brooms and Other Accessories

Pool Noodles can be hung on wall horizontally and cut in places to make a holder. You can hold different items like brooms, fishing rods and other accessories. Make sure these accessories are light weight as the pool noodles wouldn’t be able to take the weight of heavier objects. Also know the length of the accessory before putting them on the fixture. Try not to hang accessories on your pool noodle fixtures as you can just use them to hold these accessories in place while the bottom of the accessory touches the floor.

Cosmetic Brush Holder

Pool noodles can also be effectively used to create a horizontal holder for your makeup brushes. For daily makeup users, finding the right brush from your makeup bag can sometimes be a challenge. Thus, you can craft a solution using a pool noodle by securing it near your mirror using either glue or tape. Then, by making small incisions in the pool noodle, you can use it as a convenient storage for your makeup brushes. Just as you would use a pool noodle to store brooms and other items, it can also serve as a practical makeup brush holder.

Pool Noodles as Door Stoppers

There exists a wide variety of door stoppers available in the market. While some could be quite pricy, others are more economical. Also, some of them require installation on your door or adjacent wall. However, none of these options are as simple and economical as the pool noodle door stoppers. Simply slice the pool noodle on one side and position it on the door panel. This will prevent the door from shutting each time it’s used.

Car Door Guard Using Pool Noodle

Your journey has been lengthy yet uneventful; you arrive at your residence and park your vehicle in your garage. However, as you step out, the car door comes into contact with the side wall, causing damage to your automobile. This might not appear like a major issue, but it is a common problem many individuals encounter, particularly those with compact garages. It can yield considerable stress. Therefore, the most effective method to safeguard your car from such predicaments is by cushioning your garage walls with pool noodles. This guarantees even if your car door bumps into the pool noodles, it does not inflict any scratches or damages on your vehicle.

Easily Place Items on Your Vehicle Without Damaging the Roof

People often want to protect their cars, but it’s never enough – there will always be dents that cannot be avoided. The most vulnerable area for dents would probably be its roof. The top of the car usually takes all the brunt from luggage and other heavy objects being lashed on top of it by passing travelers such as yourself or others in your group who have been less careful about packing light for this trip. One way you can avoid denting up the roof when loading these things onto your trunk space: use pool noodles to cushion them instead.

Protect Your Automobile from Hailstorm Damage

Place pool noodle on top of the hood and over windshield to protect them during storms or hailstorms. This is especially helpful if you don’t have enough time to cover everything in ice before it falls, as there’s not much time between when they happen and when they’ll hit. Use this hack anytime there is an indication that a storm is coming.

Utilize Pool Noodles as a Tube or Chute

Should you need to fill a bucket with water, the kitchen or bathroom sink might not be the most effective method due to the difficulty in fitting the bucket. An alternative method uses pool noodles as a makeshift pipe or funnel. You just need to connect one end of the pool noodle to your tap and then direct the other end into the bucket. This way, filling up the bucket becomes convenient even when it’s situated a good distance from the sink, all thanks to the length of the pool noodle.

DIY Pool Noodle Bowling Alley

You can use pool noodles to make your very own DIY bowling lane in your backyard. You’ll need: pool noodles, cardboard or a box, duct tape. First create the lanes by stacking up your pool noodles and taping them together with duct tape. Roll out pieces of tulle to get that pin-spotted look in between each lane–and then set it all up. This is great for those who love bowling but don’t have the space (or money) for an actual alley. Not only is this budget friendly but it is also safe for children.

Play Spikeball in the Pool

Using pool noodles, you can create your own Spikeball set, allowing you to enjoy a great game with your family while cooling off in the pool. Spikeball makes for an ideal family activity during the summer months when all you seek is some fun in the chilly water. This game is simple, engaging, and open to all for participation. The construction of the Spikeball set involves creating a foundation using pool noodles, then attaching the Spikeball game set’s foot holes onto them. Just like that, you have your very own custom-made Spikeball set ready for the pool!

Unleash Your Creativity with Candles

Should you wish to spruce up your swimming pool for an occasion, consider using candles and pool noodles as decorations. You can wrap the pool noodles around candles and create a base of pool noodles for them. These homemade adornments can then be positioned on the water. As they float around the swimming pool, the flickering candlelight will create a memorable ambience. Plus, these decorations are incredibly safe, as the pool water prevents the candle flames from causing significant issues.

Pool Noodle Gardening Ideas

If you’re looking for an unusual way to grow plants without using pots, try creating a “pot” out of pool noodles. All you need are bamboo skewers (or something similar) and some dirt–then plant whatever type of seedling inside that container and let the roots do their thing; they’ll be held firmly in place thanks to all those little nooks and crannies. They are creative and look really beautiful. They are a perfect landscaping idea as they enhance the look of your house and lawn. In addition to that you can also cut round pieces of pool noodles and affix them on top of the pot around the plant. This is a perfect idea to make your indoor plants look more presentable.

Innovative and Cozy Seating Options

Are there old chairs around your home that require some padding improvements? Pool noodles can be utilized for this very purpose. Slice a pool noodle into two equal segments and then fasten them over the armrests of the chair, creating perfect arm support. Moreover, combining various pool noodles can provide an excellent seat and back pad for the chair. Just ensure that you use a consistent color for all the cushions to maintain a stylish and neat appearance for your chair.

Water-spraying Pool Noodle

This is a simple homemade solution that doesn’t require much effort. Simply make several holes in a pool noodle. Next, attach a water pipe to one end and secure it with duct tape. Once ready, position your newly made pool noodle sprinkler on your lawn and open your water source. It can serve as an entertaining way to spend a summer afternoon with your children. There’s no need to spend a lot on costly sprinklers when you can create such a fantastic homemade sprinkler.

Sweet Stall

If you’re planning on hosting a party at your home and you’ve decided on having a candy table, it’s crucial to ensure it looks appealing and enticing. An ingenious method to achieve this is through the use of pool noodles. Simply turn and contort these pool noodles into unique formations and insert lollipops into them. You could even craft a toroidal noodle, stick lollipops on its circumference, and brim the middle with an assortment of candies.

Create Lightsabers

Star Wars has greatly influenced a whole generation of film enthusiasts. Considering the ongoing release of new films and spin-offs, it’s understandable why children delight in having Star Wars-related toys and accessories. Pool noodles, available in various colors, can easily be turned into lightsabers. Just take long segments from two distinct colored pool noodles, fasten a DIY handle or grip, and voila! It’s safe, affordable, and sure to be a hit with your children. This make-do option outshines the often costly and significantly heavier lightsabers on the market.

Construct a Clubhouse or Fortress for Your Children Utilizing Swimming Pool Noodles

Everyone enjoys building a pillow and sheet fortress indoors, a popular childhood activity. If you’re considering constructing an indoor fort or club house for your children, incorporating pool noodles into the design is an excellent idea. These pool noodles can serve as pillars, adding strength to your fort’s structure. It’s a simple task that not only fosters a great bond with your children but also provides a fun setting they’ll absolutely adore. Be warned, though, getting them to leave their new pool noodle fort may be a challenge!

Innovatively Pad Your Lawn Mower Handle

The discomfort of using a lawn mower can often be a drawback, particularly when it’s been left out in the baking sun. The heated metal handle can pose a risk of scorching your hands. A practical solution to enhance comfort and control is applying pool noodles as a cover and padding for the handle. This augment will significantly enhance the usability of the lawn mower.

Kids’ Bed Guard

If your child shares the bed with you, or simply uses the bed for playtime, it’s crucial to add some sort of safety measures to prevent them from falling off and injuring themselves. One fantastic solution is to incorporate pool noodles as a protective enclosure for your bed. With the help of duct tape or other fastening methods, you can attach the pool noodles on both sides of the bed, creating a safer environment for your child to sleep and play.

Shield the Iron Rods of Your Canopies

It’s not uncommon for individuals with awnings at their residences or outside their RVs to have bumped into the metal bar that secures the awning at some point. This tends to occur particularly among RV owners due to the relatively low height of the awning’s metal bars, making them easy to bump into if one isn’t careful. A great solution to this issue is to use pool noodles to cover these metal bars. Not only will this make your awnings safer, but it will also enhance their appearance.

Teaching Fractions to Your Kids with a Pool Noodle: An Effective Approach

Do you have a child that needs some help understanding fractions? Give them an empty bottle and tell them to cut pool noodles in half–one shorter than the other, for example, four inches versus six inches. Fill up your container with water, then pour the pool noodles in and measure how much is left over. This will visually show them what fractions are all about. This is just one way how you can use pool noodles to help your kids with Mathematics. You can use them in other creative ways as well that will help your kid’s education.

Enhance Your Fishing Skills Using Pool Noodles

Chop the pool noodle into tiny chunks, then smother it with peanut butter and sprinkle bird seed over it. Fasten it to your fishing rod and commence your fishing journey. This trick will assist you in honing your fishing skills enabling you to catch a significant number of fish. This approach should be tried by individuals who’ve been struggling with fishing for a while, as it will inevitably bear fruitful outcomes. Show off your fishing prowess and impress your friends or family by catching a multitude of fish during your outing.

Tray for Paint Brush made from Pool Noodle

Trim a section of pool noodle and situate it on your desk near your paints and brushes. Make incisions in the noodle that fit each of your paint brushes. This allows for an easy storage solution for your brushes. It is suggested to create two of these setups, one for dry brushes and one for wet. For the wet brush holder, consider placing a bowl beneath it. This way, any residual water or paint can drip from the brush into the receptacle and protect your desk from any spills or messes.

Establishing Limits for Your Home

Maintaining amicable relationships with your neighbors is always a good option, but it shouldn’t infringe on your privacy or compromise your personal space. During winter, discerning property lines can be a challenging task for you and your neighbor. This could result in potentially clearing snow from each other’s yards or inadvertently parking vehicles partially on another’s driveway. But how can this problem be avoided? An easy solution would be to clear away some snow to reveal where your property line truly begins and then erect a straightened pool noodle in the snow to serve as a marker. This way, the boundaries are clearly defined, ensuring both parties park within their respective driveways.

Set Objects Afloat in the Swimming Pool

Employing pool noodles and adhesive tapes, lightweight crafts such as boxes and vessels can be created. The buoyancy of pool noodles offers an inventive solution to make any item float on water. Envision hosting a pool gathering; an ingenious method to ensure everyone relishes their drinks while in the pool would be to construct a floating beverage holder using pool noodles. The buoyant container filled with drinks allows all your guests to effortlessly access refreshments while splashing around. Furthermore, you could attach segments of pool noodle to various containers, enabling them to float as well.

Safeguarding Your Vehicle

Forget steel bumpers. If you want to protect your car, do it with something as simple and soft as pool noodles. Use glue, ropes and duct tape to fix pool noodles on your vehicle. You can use pool noodles on all sides of your car. This will minimize damage in case there is an accident thus maintaining the integrity of the card and minimizing the amount of money you’ll have to spend on the repairs.

Hangers Adapted with Pool Noodles

Pool noodles can be employed to modify hangers as a substitute to the traditional hanger rod. The noodle is portioned and fitted onto the hanger, yielding a softer surface that can prevent clothes from acquiring lasting creases, even when left to hang for extensive periods. This inventive trick aids in maintaining your treasured outfits in superb condition. A lot of individuals are uncertain about how to manage the creases on their pricy clothing. Nevertheless, this is the most economically efficient method to stop your valuable outfits from developing permanent creases that not only ruin your garments but also deteriorate their overall look.

Arrange the Cables Using Pool Noodles

Messy cables can pose a significant risk. They can not only trigger a short circuit but may also potentially ignite a substantial fire in your home. This sort of wiring is often found in areas where various appliances are situated close together. Using pool noodles can aid in managing these disorganized wires. You just need to slice one side open and use it to encase the cables. This will enhance the safety of your home, and create a more orderly and appealing environment for guests.

Utilize Pool Noodles for Fastening Curtains

There’s no need to splurge on extravagant curtain ties when you can create your own at home using pool noodles. With their array of colors, you’re sure to find one that complements your drapes. Simply slice them into segments of 8 to 12 inches and fasten the ends together. For an extra sturdy tie-back, weave a string through each noodle fragment before knotting it securely.

Pool Noodles Crafted into Cozy Car Headrest

There’s no need to invest in high-priced car headrests. Simply use a pool noodle as a substitute by cutting it into two halves and positioning them on your car seat. Then, butt the back of one pool noodle against the front of the other, ensuring that both halves meet with zero space in between. To keep them fixed on the seat or the inner side of your car, you can either tie them up or use duct tape. Alternatively, you have the option of not attaching them at all. Just prop it up by the side and let it serve as a head rest.

Engage in a card game while in the swimming pool.

Inventive gamers have found an ingenious way to keep their games afloat while still enjoying themselves at home around pools: sorting cards using pool noodles. Just imagine playing a game of cards in the middle of your pool. It might seem out-of-place, but with this new hack it’s possible. You can cut round pieces of pool noodle as shown in the picture as use them to hold the card. The pool noodle pieces will be perfect to hold your card and you never have to worry about losing your card in the pool again as the pool noodle pieces holding the cards will keep floating on the surface.

Ensure Your Drawers are Protected from Disarray

You know that sound you hear when opening a drawer? It’s enough to drive anyone crazy! Luckily for all of the people out there who have this problem, Pool noodles may be just what they need. They’re flexible and moldable so they can easily fit in your drawer. It can not only keep all the things in the drawer in their place but it can also make your drawer opening experience sound proof. All one has to do is decide which size pool noodle best suits their needs. Once you are done cutting just place it in the drawer in the desired position. Finally now when someone opens up their pesky little drawer everything will stay together instead of falling into disarray

Handle and Insulation for a Torch

By slicing a pool noodle into two and situating the torchlight within, you enhance the security of your light from potential damage. The pool noodle serves as an extra protective barrier against breakage while also improving the overall grip. This doesn’t only boost the torch’s utility, it also gives it a unique look. The act of carrying a torch has never appeared so stylish.

Protector of Jumping Jack

Parents, do you have a mattress that’s in need of some love? We can help. When they’re not jumping on it to get your attention or just because “it looks like fun,” our little ones are always looking for new and exciting ways to destroy what was once the comfiest bed ever. The good news is there’s an easy way to protect against this while still meeting all their needs for fun: Pool Noodles! Simply cut them in half lengthwise and connect them together with duct tape or Velcro-equipped straps around the edges so they don’t slide off during use. And you’ve got yourself an easy toddler protection system without having to buy anything expensive.

Safety Measures for Using Ladders

Investing in a sturdy ladder for roof access is always recommended. However, reaching tall and slim gutters can pose a challenge to most people due to safety concerns. This is where this ingenious trick comes into play. Split a pool noodle into two sections and fix the severed halves onto each side of the ladder where it meets the gutter. This will provide additional padding and help alleviate fears of tumbling down.

Pitcher for Pool Noodle

Should your child hold a passion for baseball and aspire to join major leagues someday, it becomes crucial to nurture this talent from an early age. This training can conveniently be facilitated right in your home’s backyard. Construct a pitcher by utilizing a pool noodle and placing a softball atop it. This serves as an introductory and fundamental exercise for your child to practice batting the softball, setting the groundwork for them to potentially emerge as an exceptional baseball player in the future.

Infant Bed Cushioning

If you want your baby’s crib to be extra safe for naptime or any other times when they are resting their head down, use pool noodles as padding. Babies are curious and they often want to poke things that can be harmful for them, especially ones near the crib- like a cord or power outlet. This is why they may try to get out of their crib. So it is very important for the baby’s safety that you pad the sides of the crib so that not only does the crib become more safe and comfortable for the baby but also so that the baby cannot leave his/her crib that easily.

Utilize it as a palm support on the tabletop.

Due to the pandemic, the practice of working from home has become increasingly common. With most work and interaction shifted online, regular use of the keyboard could prompt discomfort in your arms and wrists. However, a resourceful and cost-effective remedy to this concern is by utilizing pool noodles as a wrist support. Placing a pool noodle under your wrists while typing can alleviate fatigue and discomfort, promoting more efficient and comfortable work conditions.

Create a Multi-functional Door Draft Blocker

If you’re in need of a budget-friendly solution to halt drafts making their way through doors, the following technique could be useful. Cut a 50-inch long pool noodle into three separate 12-inch lengths. Position two of these pieces around the door’s sides. Then, cut a 24-inch length of the pool noodle, fold it down the middle, and attach clothespins to both ends forming loops. Insert these into the two pieces that are already by the door.

Raft of Pool Noodles: Yes, Captain!

A fun activity for bonding with your children and stimulating their creativity, is to assemble a raft using pool noodles. Not only will it engage them, but it also brings the family together. Tie several pool noodles, and voila, you’ve got your own homemade raft! This imaginative activity encourages interaction and team work, making it an ideal family bonding experience. Your children may surprise you with their creative ideas, perhaps they will envision themselves as pirates sailing in the swimming pool. Sailing on a pool noodle raft will surely fascinate the kids, ensuring a memorable time for your family.

Create a Stunning Wreath with a Pool Noodle

Arts and crafts are a great way to spend the day with family. All you need is some glue, fabric, ornaments (or other decorations of your choice) and pool noodles! Create whatever wreath design fits for that occasion by coiling it into different shapes around the noodle’s ends until they meet in one spot at its base. Add as many loops as desired anywhere on this shape before attaching any more pieces – like ribbon ties if making an arrangement fit for Christmas time, yarn braids leading up from both sides if adding embellishments later on to decorate a summer-themed wreath.

Pool Noodles as a Phone Holder

It’s true that pool noodles don’t have the same “pop” as pop sockets, but they are a great alternative! You can cut the pool noodle and carve out space for your phone on one side. These pool noodle phone stands have a zing to them. So when you can make such an amazing DIY phone stand at home at such a low cost, you don’t need to buy any expensive stand for your phone.

Arrange the Sewing Supplies

If you’re looking to organize your supplies that often get misplaced or lost in the shuffle; Get some pool noodles from your local store. Cut them and use them as pincushions. It can be really handy when storing open basting pins. When you are not sewing just put the pins back on the pool noodles. You can also use different colored pool noodles to segregate different types of pins and needles.

Create a Boogie Board

Pool noodles can be used for more than just floating in the pool. One creative and exciting use of them is to make a boogie board! All one needs is two or three pieces of pool noodle and some duct tape (depending on how big you would like your boards). Wrap up all those noodles tightly around themselves before taping it together. Make sure that both sides have plenty of reinforcements so no water seeps through at any point during transport or upon hitting waves- otherwise you’ll go swimming instead of boarding soon enough!

Utilize Pool Noodles for Pet Bathing

It seems that the best way to shower a pet is by converting an old pool noodle into their own personal swimming head. It’s easy and it cleans up every inch of them in one go. To make your pup’s bathing experience even better, add some pressure-boosting water for more thorough cleaning. All you have to do is poke some holes in the pool noodle and block it from one end while inserting a water pipe in the other end and voila! Your showerhead is ready.

Construct an Innovative Storage Solution for Your Hair Adornments

Struggling to find a suitable storage solution for your headbands, hairpins and related items? No need to worry. This easy trick using a pool noodle will resolve your storage issues. Create your own accessory holder in just a few moments using these materials: pool noodles, any kind of fabric, needle, and thread. By attaching a fabric or ribbon holder to the noodle on either side, you’ll effortlessly create a fantastic and effective holder for all your hair accessories.

Offer Protection for Exterior Cables Using Pool Noodles

The wiring outside your house can be impacted by harsh temperatures, which is why insulation is crucial. Extreme heat or cold can both cause damage to wires, so it’s necessary to provide protection. A simple, wallet-friendly, and successful method to insulate these outdoor wires is using pool noodles. Simply slice open one side of the pool noodle and encase the wiring with it. When finished, apply duct tape over the noodle to fortify the insulation.
